Saturday, July 16, 2011

Big Things

It has been awhile since I blogged. Big things have been going on in our family - new home, new town, and a new congregation. We also started homeschooling our son. These are all good, big things for our family. But, they have gotten in the way of blogging.
With these changes have come a new kitchen and a new Raggedy Room. The Raggedys have yet to be unpacked. But many tasty things have come out our deluxe kitchen. I look forward to posting about the unpacking and new dishes soon.
(The dear Ann - nicknamed Caroline - came from a recent trip to an old favorite antique mall. She's three feet tall and was a STEAL! Thanks to my boys for spotting her.)

- "What else do I know, besides Raggedys and recipes?!"


  1. Hooray, you're back! So how many Raggedys do you own?

  2. The last time we had a "Raggedy Census" (of just dolls) I had close to 300. I think that was two years ago. Part of organizing the Raggedy Room will be another Census. I'll keep you posted!
